"Jorge Civis" and "Manuel Fernández de Castro" Awards
Jorge Civis Award
The Boletín Geológico y Minero journal, as a senior journal in Earth Sciences, would like to promote and encourage the scientific culture of publishing the results of investigation among recent graduates which have carried out relevant master thesis in any of the fields of Earth Sciences. In order to do that, every year opens a call for the “Jorge Civis” awards of the Geological and Mining Journal to the best master thesis defended during the natural year as indicated in the call.
A first prize and two secondary prizes will be awarded to the best works. All master thesis with a minimum qualification of “Outsanding” can be submitted to this award.
To apply, candidates must submit their application to Boletín Geológico y Minero (boletin@igme.es, SUBJECT: JORGE CIVIS AWARD), including (blank spaces do not count in the number of characters):
1. A letter with the title of the work, name of the author, name of the tutor or tutors, name of the university where the work was presented, and grade obtained.
2. Summary of the MSc (max. of 1500 characters).
3. Objectives of the work and contribution to your field of expertise (max. 2000 characters).
4. Methodologies applied in the MSc (max. 1000 characters).
5. Applications and potential work that could derive from the MSc (max. 1000 characters).
6. Approval of the BSc tutor, which will be sent by the tutor himself following the form that can be downloaded here.
Awards will be a mention of honor and honorary diplomas and will be presented before the end of the year, with sufficient advance notice. The author of the “Jorge Civis” first prize will be able to present a summary of the awarded work during the ceremony.
The winners and other participants are encouraged to submit an article to our journal.
The deadline for receiving applications is October 31 of each year.
The criteria for evaluating the submitted applications are the following:
Criterium | Maximum score |
Objectives of the work and contribution of the TFM to the field of specialty | 10 |
Adequacy of the methodologies used and originality of the data obtained during the TFM | 10 |
Applications and potential work derived from the TFM | 10 |
Clarity and concision of the texts presented in the application | 10 |
The evaluation of the candidates will be carried out by the Editorial Board of the Boletín Geológico y Minero, which will inform all the candidates of the result of their evaluation.
“Manuel Fernández de Castro” best paper award
The awards to the best articles published every year have been established in order to recognize the efforts of authors and the quality of the papers published in the Boletín Geológico y Minero journal.
Two categories are considered:
- Award to the best article published every natural year.
- Award to the best article published, in the same period, by pre-doctorates or recent doctorates
All articles published in the Geological and Mining Journal will be automatically included in the first category, without any further action by authors. The mere fact of subjecting a paper to be published by the journal, implies the acceptance of this rules and to the decisions of the jury, composed by the members of the Editorial Board.
Papers whose first author is currently working on its thesis or is within the two years after obtaining the title of Doctor, will be considered in the second category. Only papers whose first author fulfils the requisite mentioned before and which have expresses in writing his will to present his/her article to this category, can participate in this category. Participation of these articles in the first category will be automatic.
For both categories, the Editorial Board will consider the scientific quality of the published papers and their contribution to the advance of the scientific knowledge in any of the fields of Earth Sciences. These awards will be offered before the end of the year, with sufficient advance notice, and consist in a mention of honor and an honorary diploma.