Journal Sections

This section includes analysis, results and discussions on topics within the thematic line of the journal. Articles should include new theories, approaches, developments and novel concepts, along with their applications. The results must represent an advance in knowledge within their subject. Although there is no limit on the length of the text, clarity and conciseness is requested in the writing. Research articles are managed by the journal's Editorial Board and are sent to multiple external reviewers. In this category, review works aimed at refocusing, reevaluation and advancement in the form of a critical analysis of the existing literature are also welcome.

These papers elaborate on or criticize papers previously published in the Boletín Geológico y Minero. Comments are limited to four published pages. Submission of this type of article will follow the same procedure as the regular research articles.

Reply to Comments
The authors of an article that receive a “Comment” will be given the opportunity to elaborate a reply to the comments. If possible, both the “Comments” and “Reply” will be published in the same volume.

A corrigendum refers to a change to their article that the author wishes to publish at any time after acceptance. Authors should contact the editor of the journal, who will determine the impact of the change and decide on the appropriate course of action.

Technical notes
Technical notes should present a software tool or an experimental or computational method, test or procedure or hardware design. The tool or method described may be new or may be an update or adaptation of an existing one. The tool or method needs to have been tested, and while not necessarily outperforming existing approaches should show innovation in the approach or implementation. Authors must clearly acknowledge work upon which they are building, both published and unpublished.

Boletín Geológico y Minero accepts the publication of original geological and thematic maps accompanied by short notes (explanatory notes) regarding the map content. The maps can deal with any topic related to Earth Sciences, with special emphasis on the techniques used and their application. Any type of new map obtained through traditional cartographic studies or any type of innovative techniques (lidar, remote sensing, drone studies, etc.) is welcome. Contributions related to applied cartography, dedicated to risk assessment, among others, are also welcome. A submission can include one or more maps.

Submission implies that no part of the map infringes existing copyrights in any way. This is particularly important for map-based data. The use of any copyrighted data must be stated clearly. In addition to the maps, an accompanying manuscript must be uploaded.

Please see instructions on how to produce your map and explanatory notes (accompanying manuscript) in the "Author Guidelines" section. The map will be listed as supplemental material to the article and will be accessible from the article page.