Art and geology in the Renaissance: Leonardo da Vinci, Alberto Durero and Georgius Agricola


  • Jesús Martínez Frías Instituto de Geociencias, CSIC-UCM
  • Jesús Enrique Martínez Martín Universidad Camilo José Cela



Alunite, Art, Geology, Nature, Renaissance


The Renaissance was a human time period in which culture stood out as a common whole. It was based on a humanistic and integrative cosmovision of mankind in the framework of nature and the universe. This article synthetically describes and analyses the relationships between Art and Geology through three exceptional and illustrative Renaissance figures: Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Dürer and Georgius Agricola. In the first two, making an approach from Art to Geology and in the latter, from Geology to Art. Leonardo is, unquestionably, the quintessential polymath and a pioneer, among other areas of knowledge, in geology and geosciences. His global contributions will be described using his own phrases, writings, drawings and paintings. In the case of Dürer, his famous work, Melancholy I, will be the main focus of study, specifically with reference to the mineralogical hypothesis regarding his enigmatic polyhedron. Thirdly, Agricola will be uncovered through his famous work, “De Re Metallica”. He was a scientist and an engineer, but also a pioneer in geology and mineralogy who used drawings to complement his geoscientific contributions. Finally, this Renaissance thematic connection will be compared to today’s world situation. It has been suggested that Digital Age could correspond to a new period similar to the Renaissance, where innovation and creativity merging Art, Science and Technology, would be enhanced and benefited from a context of global education and communication.


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How to Cite

Martínez Frías, J., & Martínez Martín, J. E. (2023). Art and geology in the Renaissance: Leonardo da Vinci, Alberto Durero and Georgius Agricola. Boletín Geológico Y Minero, 134(1), 13–28.


