Geology and literary fiction


  • Jorge Ordaz Gargallo



Geology, Literature, Mineralogy, Paleontology, Science-fiction


In this article the relations between geological sciences and literature of fiction, especially with science-fiction, are reviewed. The consolidation of geology as a scientific specialization in the first half of XIXth century attracted some writers of adventure and fantasy novels who used, among other topics, matters based on geological knowledge. Some of the most representative works in this field, published in the XIXth and XXth centuries, by authors as Jules Verne, Arthur Conan Doyle, Edgar Rice Burroughs, H. P. Lovecraft, Vladimir Obruchev, Arthur C. Clarke, George Gaylord Simpson and Sarah Andrews, are mentioned. Their contributions are divided in sections according to the aspects involved: the hollow Earth and the exploration of its inner part; the lost worlds (superficial, subterranean and extraterrestrial), inhabited by extinct animals; the prehistoric times and its antediluvian fauna; trips to other geological epochs, above all the Mesozoic times of the great dinosaurs; volcanoes, earthquakes and other natural disasters; and mines and mineral deposits. Finally, the geology of certain literary territories and the geologist, men or women, as a main character in fiction are also taken into account.


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How to Cite

Ordaz Gargallo, J. (2023). Geology and literary fiction. Boletín Geológico Y Minero, 134(1), 67–85.


