Social and environmental issues related to the mining industry in the Central African Republic


  • Lucien Antoine Zang Mengue Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
  • Pablo León Higueras Higueras Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha



CAR, Mining, Social problems, Environmental problems


Considering the differences between the European and African continents concerning the management of the mining production sector, we decided to carry out this study with the main objective of demonstrating that, in Africa, mining can improve the quality of life of the populations where it develops and, at the same time, it is possible to respect the environment, which is our main wealth. To achieve these objectives, it is necessary to present the mining activity of the continent, emphasizing both the negative aspects and its strong points. The most important thing is to make a good diagnosis of the situation, which will allow us to cure our “patient”, that is, African mining production. Therefore, it is important that these states have access to the maximum amount of information and technical solutions that facilitate their decision for a better management of their mineral resources and, by extensi on, the improvement of the living conditions of millions of Africans who still live below of the poverty threshold. Today, the African continent is experiencing a great revolution, and many governments are considering reviewing the mining contracts signed with the multinationals that exploit their resources. The Central African Republic is not to be outdone; despite its strong mining potential it has never really been able to take off. Today, in addition to poverty, a war has been set up directly related to the exploitation of mineral resources. People who were working for themselves yesterday are enslaved by militias that not only destroy nature, but also social cohesion.


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How to Cite

Zang Mengue, L. A., & Higueras Higueras, P. L. (2023). Social and environmental issues related to the mining industry in the Central African Republic. Boletín Geológico Y Minero, 134(4), 31–44.


